Cheat : Flower Power alternate clothes: At the character selection screen, press Left, Square, Square, Square, Left
Club Kid's House level: Enter Left, Left, Left, Square, Square as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now select "Deathmatch", then choose any level and vehicle to begin at Club Kid's House bonus level.
Warehouse level: Enter Square, Square, Square, Left, Left as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now select "Deathmatch", then choose any level and vehicle to begin at the Warehouse bonus level.
Demo level: Enter Up, Up, Up, Left, Left as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now select "Deathmatch", then choose any level and vehicle to begin at the Demo level shown in the background at the main menu.
Enhanced weapons: Enter R1, R1, L1, L1, L1 as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now begin a game to have all weapons enhanced.
Homing rain missiles: Enter Up, Down, Up, Down, Up as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now begin a game to have homing rain missiles.
Start at Calypso's Blimp with Outlaw: To start at Calypso's Blimp, enter the password Left, X, L1, Up, Start.
Infinite specials: Enter L1, L1, R1, R1, R1 as a password. Then, you will return to the main menu. Now begin a game and quit. When you begin a game again, you will have an unlimited amount of your characters special weapon.
Play as Minion: Enter Right, Right, Right, Left, Left as a password. Minion will now appear at the vehicle selection screen.
Play as Minion in deathmatch mode: Enter Left, Left, Left, Right, Right as a password.
Play as Sweet Tooth: Enter Left, Left, Left, Right, Right as a password. Sweet Tooth will now appear at the vehicle selection screen.
Play as Sweet Tooth in deathmatch mode: Enter Right, Right, Right, Left, Left as a password.